SureMed - GP FAQS

How long will it take to become familiar with the SureMed electronic forms?
Not long. The SureMed forms are similar to existing electronic forms used by Medical Providers, and Konnect NET has worked closely with Health Providers to develop the SureMed forms to fit in with the way that Health Providers work, so the forms are easy to use.
Is the Health Provider in control?
Yes. Health Providers have complete control over reviewing and submitting information sent to the insurer.
Are Health Providers and their patients protected?
Yes. All SureMed processes meet all legal and ethical requirements for the collection, use, storage and disclosure of health information within New Zealand.
How does payment work?
Payment is automatic on completion of information requests. Non-standard requests are catered for also. Improved speed of payment and ease of reconciliation will be of benefit to most practices.
Why do Insurers need to collect information?
The Insurer will have a number of reasons to obtain this information, including confirming that a claimed medical condition exists, the nature and severity of this condition, and thus whether the claim or new policy should be approved; understanding current medical status from which the Insurer can determine the rehabilitation to fund to aid recovery; and confirming whether a condition preceded the patient’s policy commencement.
Will there be patient consent authorising the release of this information?
Definitely. The Insurers obtain informed consent during the application process, and it is mandatory for them to upload consent when doing a SureMed request.
Do I have to respond quicker?
The quicker you respond, the sooner your patient can have a decision about their claim and receive any Insurer-funded treatment they are due.
What methods can I use to respond to SureMed requests?
Our recommended methods for responding to a SureMed request are:  
  • PMS Integrated workflow (#1 recommendation): This option allows you to respond to SureMed requests directly within your Patient Management System. It is available for Medtech 32, Medtech Evolution, Mypractice and Indici.
  • Portal (#2 recommendation): The SureMed portal lets you log in via your web-browser and get many of the same benefits available in the PMS Integrated workflow.
  • Simple Document Transfer (Recommended over email and fax) – This is a webpage that provides you with a quick upload option that does not require you to log in to upload sensitive information. It does meet modern security standards however you miss out on the other features and benefits available with the PMS integration and Portal.

Medtech32 Users

Open Message
Open the SureMed message in your Provider Inbox.  Where your patient is not required to be present, their authority to provide the information can be viewed in attachment #1.
Match Patient
If the patient is not matched ‘Find’ the patient record, and press the arrow key to ensure the correct patient is on the palette.
Open Request
Open request from inbox message – click on attachment #2: ‘Open Electronic form’. The SureMed request loads with information from your patient’s medical record.
Go to Module > Advanced Forms > New Form [Shift F3} > select SureMed Information Request (inside Konnect Net folder) and press ‘OK’.
Choose Request
Open the request for the name of the patient you are working with. The SureMed request loads with information from your patient’s medical record.
Complete & Submit
Review and update as appropriate, and when satisfied, click ‘Submit’. Once submitted, a PDF report is sent to the insurer, saved to your patient outbox, and displayed on screen.

Medtech Evolution Users

Open Message
Open the SureMed message in your Provider Inbox.  Where your patient is not required to be present, their authority to provide the information can be viewed in attachment #1.
Match Patient
If the patient is not matched ‘Find’ the patient record, and press the arrow key to ensure the correct patient is on the palette.
Open Request
Open request from inbox message – click on attachment #2: ‘Open Electronic form’. The SureMed request loads with information from your patient’s medical record.
Go to Patient tab > Advanced Forms > New Form [Shift F3] > select SureMed Information Request (inside Konnect Net folder) and press ‘OK’.
Choose Request
Open the request for the name of the patient you are working with. The SureMed request loads with information from your patient’s medical record.
Complete & Submit
Review and update as appropriate, and when satisfied, click ‘Submit’. Once submitted, a PDF report is sent to the insurer, saved to your patient outbox, and displayed on screen.


Fixes for common errors (Medtech)
The most common technical errors encountered by Medtech users are highlighted below.  The attached SureMed technical troubleshooting guide v1.0 provides step-by-step instructions on how to resolve them.  The errors relate mainly to GP practice management system configuration, and once resolved, the issue should not re-occur. Depending on your knowledge and confidence, practices can work through the corrective actions, or get your technician to address the problem.  Alternatively you can ring the SureMed Support team on 0800 KONNECT (0800 566 632) and we will take you through the process.  
  • Cannot see the Konnect folder and SureMed form
  • Error message “Navigation to the Web page was cancelled” when opening the SureMed request form
  • Cannot see a SureMed Information Request that Konnect NET advise has been sent to a GP at your practice
  • A GP has completed a request and can see the report in the patients outbox, but Konnect NET haven’t received the response

MyPractice Users

View Requests
Open the Mail screen. Insurance requests will be included with other incoming correspondence.  The patient list can be filtered to show only Insurance requests. You may view attachments on the right sidebar including your patient’s consent.
Match & File
Match the patient by pressing [F10] then locating the patient using the search screen. File [F10] the message.  A Reminder Task will be created.
Open clinical notes
Open the patient’s notes.  The SureMed request will appear as a task on the right sidebar.
Open Form
Click on the insurance task, Select open form. The insurance form will open with patient information pre-populated.
Complete & Submit
Review and update all sections. Preview the report (in the format that will be sent).  If unfinished click on ‘Park’ to save changes.  When satisfied click ‘Finish’ to submit the form.  Completed forms can be viewed later in the notes.

Indici Users

Open Message
Go to Indici home screen. Under Provider Functions expand the ‘Other documents’ section of the inbox and click SureMed, Simply click on the subject to open a SureMed Request (these will also show in the patient’s inbox and Dr’s provider inbox).
Match Patient
Click magnifying glass next to search function under ‘Internal Details’, search patient name and select patient.
Open Request
Select option under Client Authority – ‘Open Electronic Form’.
Fill out the request and submit
Once you open the electronic form, you will see a range of tabs appear at the top of the window. Each of these sections contains relevant patient information as stored in the patient’s record on Indici. Tick the relevant medical information to include in the form, edit any notes as required, answer all required questions then click submit.