We help businesses that need to exchange data in a quick and secure way in order to deliver more value to their customers.
We offer solutions for
Claims Professionals
New Business
Insurance Advisers
Healthcare Professionals
What we can do for you
Discover solutionsOur specialty is enabling the insurance and health sectors to collaborate more effectively and achieve better outcomes for their mutual customers.

Konnect NET products
SureMed is a secure way for insurers and healthcare providers to easily and quickly exchange health information.
Discover SureMede-Consent
Konnect NET’s e-Consent makes the informed consent process easier and more robust for all parties involved.
Discover e-ConsentOur partners
We work closely with industry vendors to ensure a solution for our customers that fits naturally into their day-to-day work.
Providing our users with the appropriate models for their respective industries is a top priority for us.
For instance, when developing our approach for secure health information exchange, we actively sought input from key stakeholders in New Zealand and Australia. We engaged organisations such as the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, NZMA, and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
Privacy and data security
Konnect NET has put in place physical, electronic and management processes to protect information collected and transferred with proven technology and infrastructure. Please email us at privacy@konnectnet.com if you would like to receive more information regarding our privacy standards.
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